Out of Our Minds


There has been so much loss. Whether you have lost loved ones, your livelihood, your home, your hope, your time, or anything else for that matter -  it’s important that we take the time to feel the losses. Yes, it’s painful AND it’s necessary. Sometimes pain can feel scary - it’s as if you allow yourself to feel it, it might take up residence forever. Not true, the best way for pain to stick around is to avoid feeling it. You have to feel it to heal it - yes, this may sound cheesy and it’s so important to put into practice. 

Our nervous systems can only handle so much stored pain and stress before it begins to take a toll on our physical body, our loved ones, our work, etc. If you are holding it together for your children, your partner, your friends, or yourself - I invite you to create some space to stop holding and start letting go. Let go of the need to keep it ‘together’ all the time.

Pro Tip: nobody has it all together, that isn’t even a thing. 

I took some time over the weekend to grieve. I put on some music that is a good bet to bring the waterworks and sure enough, they brought on a full sob. I sobbed for my own losses, for the losses of those who are close to me, and for the collective loss happening around the world. I oscillated between crying, dancing, and singing. I had feelings of deep sadness, joy, and hope. If you were to bear witness, you might have thought I was out of my mind. Exactly! I was out of my mind and I was in my body -  feeling all the feels. I was free and it felt amazing. I took a walk the next morning and it was as if everything had come to life, the trees were more colorful and the breeze felt more fantastic than ever. I could feel the beauty of my surroundings so much more because I was free and available to do so. I felt pure joy. 

There is strength in vulnerability. It opens the door to your soul and enables you to live wholeheartedly.

My resilience goal for this week is to be with what is and to feel it, whatever that may be. What is one thing you can do this week to allow yourself to feel? 


Resilience Vs. Sheer Strength


Give Yourself Permission